A Black Girl Speaks

Get Live Fridays | How Character Arc Builds And Tells Story

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Get Live Fridays | How Character Arc Builds And Tells Story

This time we discuss character arc and how it builds character and story. The difference between negative and positive arc. Why it’s important plus the 5 stages and tips to building the arc of your characters.

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Get Live Fridays | Finding Story Topics | How Can You Find Your Story |

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Get Live Fridays | Finding Story Topics | How Can You Find Your Story |

How do you find topics to write about? In today’s session I discuss 4 topics I believe can help you find the best story to write.

1.) People Watch -Observe the people around you. Watch their mannerisms. How do they speak? How do they make facial expressions? What can you learn from them?

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Step Out of YOUR Comfort Zone

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Step Out of YOUR Comfort Zone

When you discover those two things you will get it done. Sometimes self-doubt holds us back and kills our dreams before we even start. So, step out of your comfort zone and go after the life.

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Finding Your “WHY” Story! | Finding Motivation To Write Your Story

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Finding Your “WHY” Story! | Finding Motivation To Write Your Story

Finding your why! What motivates you to write? What is your story? What is the story that you want to tell? Applaud yourself for going after your dreams! On this first session I divulge on finding your motivation to write. Finding the courage to go after something.

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Sharon King Worldwide Presents Author Janae Marie

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Sharon King Worldwide Presents Author Janae Marie

Author Sharon King and I discuss the writing journey, how I became an author and how to get sustain in this industry. I share some intimate details about my life and what motivates and inspires me to write all of the chaotic stories that I write.

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