A Black Girl Speaks

Signs You're Dating A Narcissist

abuse backstabbers devalue discard gaslight love bomb narc abuse narcissist narcissistic abuse narcissistic behavior pain triangulation

Signs You're Dating A Narcissist

Have you ever been in a relationship with a narcissist? It's much worse than simply being with a jerk. Because a narcissist will turn your life upside down. IF you allow them to. Navigating these rocky dating streets is a whole different beast today. With the increase of social media, the fact that podcasts are popping up like daises. There are more men and women creating platforms for nothing more than narc fuel. What is fuel, you may ask? Well, let me give you the tea on how to survive dating a narcissist person.

  • Inflated Sense of Ego

 Now there is nothing wrong with feeling confident and assured of one’s self. But when someone has an arrogant, pompous & entitled sense of self. Means they lack what most humans have. Which is empathy for others because they’re so concerned about their own life they could never be understanding of your personal needs. Thus, wouldn’t make for a good partner.

  • Gaslighting

Gaslighting has to be the highest form of emotional abuse. Making someone doubt their own perception of reality has to be the most manipulative thing to endure. For ex, you tell your partner that you aren’t happy that they keep cancelling your date night plans at the last minute. Instead of being more understanding and correcting the issue. Your partner may say something like, “Here you go again, always complaining. It’s a wonder why I date you at all. You know that I have to work. Why can’t you be more understanding.” Guilting you into believing that the reason why you’re being treated like a non-priority is merely the fault of one person. Leads one to feel inadequate, non-worthiness and makes one try harder to win the approval of their partner. If they don’t catch this sooner rather than later.

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Exclusive Story-Ryder's Block

a black girl speaks bad mothers book designers book fair Chicago growing up in trauma journey to redemption Ryder Daniels Ryder's Block writers

Exclusive Story-Ryder's Block

You are in for a special treat! I am giving YOU. Yes, you!  An exclusive first read to one of my stories that I've been writing. 

The story is titled, Ryder's Block. It's the story of Ryder Daniels. A young African American woman mid 20s, and her life from growing up with a mother who didn't mind pimping her out to the neighborhood pimp. To her years of graduating college and snagging her first writer job to navigating relationships. 

Follow along on the journey of Ryder's life weekly! 

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How To Write A Book

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How To Write A Book

If you’ve always wanted to write that book but just needed that extra little push to get you started? Well, today is your lucky day. I’ve provided you with a list of 10. That’s right ten tips that you can use to strategize your plan to get that book that’s inside of you. Out to the world. Remember, everyone has a story to tell. The world needs yours. Don’t forget that. Your story may just touch someone and change their life

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Books I'm Currently Reading

book club book list books reading

Books I'm Currently Reading

Are you currently dusting off your "to-read" list? Thumbing through the mini library that seemed to have formed on your coffee table? 

Here are a few books that I've added to my list.

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They're Talking About YOU!

confidence frenemies goals grind growing pain growing up haters journey Life Lessons life purpose losing friends mental health motivation passion project self-confidence self-esteem self-motivation side hustle success urban fiction writers block writing

They're Talking About YOU!

Hey! I hate to break it to you, but there's a group of people that have been spilling the tea on you! 

I hope that I haven't let the cat out of the bag. But I must admit there will always be people talking about you whether good or bad. With the invention of social media such as Instagram and Facebook you can see who's been viewing your stories. 

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